Friday, April 10, 2009
Hangar 9 demolishment, rebuilding planned
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Oppose the PMLA Act!
I'm not normally very political, and I know our tastes in music may differ, but I know that you also share a love of music ITSELF-- so be sure to read this. Thank you. --DaveX
Monday, March 23, 2009
There's a New Cab in Town
Click on the image to read the details. ... A good business model, I'd say.
Callahan notches 400; George, 19

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
About ‘The Portal’ -
"a primer for all the topics, news stories, issues and other information from right here in Southern Illinois to the far corners of the world. keeps you abreast of breaking local news and gives you the access to find out what’s happening beyond our borders." -- About ‘The Portal’
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Tax Receipts Down
Labels: Carbondale, economy, sales tax
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
75 years in business

Anyway, Horstman's doesn't have much web presence, only 13 listings, but I uploaded a photo to its Yahoo listing.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
blogging thru my teeth
Labels: dental care
Competition for Subway?
Another restaurant could put the space to good use ... give Subway some fresh competition for the lunch trade on that side of town. But who knows? BLP wouldn't say.
The FOR SALE sign is still in the window, though, (as of 15 minutes ago, when this photo was snapped) with a number to call: 889-9286.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
apparently transparent
According to Mayor's press release, a key component to the site is Citizen Access, which Cole said he developed according to guidelines of Sunshine Review.
The DE sez the Arthur Agency got paid $15,915. One of the things a city site should have -- according to Sunshine Review guidelines -- is a checkbook register posted online.... I don't see it.
Another thing, I find no mention of the City's free wireless internet, but may be simple oversight (mine or the City's).
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
The View from Below
Although we had great seats, I took a stroll around the floor to snap some pics from different angles, like <-- this one. Great game, too. SIU's 72-68 victory over Wichita assures them 5th place in MVC Tourney next weekend.
Meanwhile, today is the ground-breaking for Saluki Way -- at 2 p.m. ... Many details about the project are on the SIU Athletics web site, including video.
I'll try to be there and shoot some pics.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Hangar 9 closed 'til ?
Perhaps the business or property will be sold.
Losing Hangar 9 would be a serious blow to the local music scene, because of its excellent stage, sound system, and spacious dance floor.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Keepin' up with Kevin
Perhaps an update of the The Women's Center web site is on his "to-do" list. The newsletter hasn't been updated since 2006. . . . (I should talk).
Monday, February 23, 2009
This year's Relay for Life has new wrinkle

Today, volunteers will distribute information and answer questions at local businesses and campus dorms. I'd like to ask if an outfit from 1992 would be acceptable.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Chris Wissman's Platform
violent crime--organizing neighborhood watch groups and associations
alternative energy technologies--seeking ways to limit the effect of Ameren rate increases
job retention and attraction--fostering the development of home-based and service employers, i.e. Paducah's Artist Relocation Project
Rewriting of the Carbondale Comprehensive plan incorporating the New Urbanism concept
Assisting in SIUC's growth
Expand programming on the city's GOV-16 channel
Labels: Chris Wissmann, City council, election
Artsy Vartsy

House Manager, Mindy Beyke, is one of the leading ladies in the continued resurgence of the former Varsity Theater bldg as an entertainment venue.
Currently, in the smaller downstairs theater (the main screen theater is still under reconstruction), actors are performing Leading Ladies, a hilarious comedy by 2-time Tony Award winner, Ken Ludwig -about two actors performing Shakespeare on the Moose Lodge circuit in Amish Country. Show continues at the VCA next weekend, Feb 27, 28 and Mar 1.
In other artsy news, HeartlandArts.Net has announced the winners of its recent photo contest. And the winners are ...
I'm looking forward to tonight's Oscar show, and the twitterverse is abuzz.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Tulsa: How tweet it is!
"The city of Tulsa has joined the tech-savvy legions who are using Twitter to stay in touch.Will the City of Carbondale follow suit? Seems like something our own tech-savvy mayor would endorse.
Twitter, for those unfamiliar, is a free, social-networking, micro-blogging phenomenon that allows users to send and read other's 'tweets,' which are text posts of up to 140 characters meant to answer the question: What are you doing?
The posts are displayed on the user's profile page and delivered to those who have signed up to receive them via their computers or mobile devices.
Mayor Kathy Taylor said the city, by joining Twitter, is simply evolving with the latest in communication technology."
Philosopher as Media Matriculator

According to his bio at World People's Blog,
West appears in both The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions as one of the elders, Councilor West, who serves on the council of Zion. West’s character advises that “comprehension is not a requisite of cooperation.”More details about the lecture at Saluki Times website.
In addition, West provides philosophical commentary on all three Matrix films in The Ultimate Matrix Collection along with integral theorist Ken Wilber. West also made multiple appearances on the popular political show Real Time with Bill Maher.[12][13][14][15][16] West was also featured on Starbucks Coffee Cups with The Way I See It #284 quoted- “You can’t lead the people if you don’t love the people. You can’t save the people, if you don’t serve the people”. .
Dr. West did not come cheap. His book promotion is sponsored by:
Paul Simon Public Policy Institute, Black History Month Committee, Student Programming Council, Office of the Associate Chancellor (Diversity), Undergraduate Student Government, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
No Early Release for Fisher
Labels: Carbondale, crime
Inside Hangar 9
Kristin takes her seat
Kristin Gregory Ward, the new Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce, a local girl, a graduate of CCHS, class of 1999. I reminded her, I used to sub at CCHS back then, when it was on Oakland St. Then I gave her permission to use the restroom. ;-)
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Not as nice as the Neighborhood Co-op, but still
Items were arranged "more or less" where they used to be in the old store. Same quality products.
I was told that Aldi is the Walmart of Germany .... but the Aldifoods website tells a different story, of opening its first store in Iowa in 1976.
The one picture here is located where Ponderosa used to be, behind Long John Silver.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Train station art
From All Aboard Amtrak |
Red dressers
... a newcomer was invited to a hash run ran by the San Diego Hash House Harriers. Unbeknownst to her it was a running group and she attended the run in a red dress instead of running clothes. Upon being mocked for wearing such an outfit, she ran the trail and went into a hot tub with the red dress still on. Other Hashers began wearing red dresses as a joke, and the tradition soon became an annual event that spread across the world.The Cupp brothers own and operate Midwest Cash in Carbondale and Marion. I'd put a link to their site, but it causes Firefox to crash.... (thank G for autosave).
Friday, February 13, 2009
Dome gets new plastic cover
Raise the Roof Party Planned
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Living the Bytelife
Plus, connected on Facebook and MySpace, so, I was reminded by Jessica B about the upcoming WDBX "Midwinter's Night Dream" Ball., Saturday, February 14 at 6:00pm - 11:00pm @ Carbondale Civic Center.
Let's see, what else? Oh yeah "Carter Fredrick." The man with nothing better to do (apparently) than dump anonymous/pseudonymous drek on "DaveX" the WDBX deejay with his own blog. So here's the comment policy... Anonymous comments are fine ... but comments that are merely negative with no supporting info, will be REJECTED. So Carter, please stop wasting my time and yours.
And good news ... more photos coming on this blog. I got a new camera that I'm anxious to try out when I get back to The Dale next week.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Cole claims Bytelife space for Carbondale
"We're making way for progress," he said. "This so-called 'blog' has become little more than a platform for one loud-mouth to constantly remind us of his radio show. I'd rather have two more Sunset Motels than this digital stain on our community."
Former Carbondale activist Dick Gregory agreed with Cole, pointing to Carbondale's seeming inability to keep much of anything in business.
"It would only be a matter of time that the Carbondale Bytelife was going to go out of business," he said. "It's already well-known as a place for anonymous bums to drop in and urinate; why prolong the inevitable slide into obscurity?"
SIUC communications professor Bob Beeble said it could be years before Carbondale is able to produce its own Internet content again.
"We just haven't been able to crack that nut," Beeble said with a sigh. "By the time we got AOL to stop charging Carbondale's bank account every month, the rest of the world had moved on. Most folks around here still think MySpace is somewhere you can drive to-- it's practically hopeless."
Bye, bye, Bytelife
Scott's move transpired while I was traveling to Colorado, so I did not have time to speak to him in person about his decision, although I managed to a bus-bumped text message to the effect that I thought it was a mistake, and I suggested changing the name of this blog to whatever he wanted, and the rest of us stepping out, so the Bytelife blog would become his, and his alone.
So we'll see what happens. ...
Sunday, February 1, 2009
New Blog
Labels: blogs and blogging, Carbondaze Gazette
Cheap Eats
Labels: business, Carbondale
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Jack Charges Dismissed
Labels: City council, Lance Jack, police
It's my 7th Birthday!

Friday, January 30, 2009
Will It Ever End?
Labels: ethics, plagiarism, siuc
Trash Pickup
Due to the inclement weather and the icy road conditions, the City’s refuse, recycling and bag and bundle collection programs have been SUSPENDED for the remainder of this week. Residents are advised to not set their refuse or recycling containers at curbside this week. Please hold them until next week.
Weather permitting, refuse and recycling will resume normal schedules next week.
Questions may be addressed the Maintenance and Environmental Services Office at 618-457-3275.
Labels: Carbondale, city government
City Website Back Up
Labels: Carbondale, city government, infrastructure
Stick a fork in Blago--
(However, I WILL be abusing listeners tomorrow morning-- tune in early to catch the fun.)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Jerry Costello on the Stimulus
Rep. Costello sent out the following regarding his approval of a particular provision of the stimulus package.
Washington – Congressman Jerry Costello (D-IL) today applauded the House Appropriations Committee’s approval of a “Buy America” provision for the use of U.S. steel as part of the economic stimulus legislation. The economic downturn has hurt the domestic steel industry, resulting in production declines and worker layoffs. In the Metro East, Granite City Steel has been idled and Alton Steel has also laid-off workers.
Costello has been very active on issues affecting the domestic steel industry, including supporting steel tariffs earlier this decade and testifying before the International Trade Commission.
Labels: economy, Jerry Costello
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Lillina Adams Memorial
(info courtesy of the Arbor District mailing list)
Labels: Arbor District, Carbondale
Snow Removal
Labels: Carbondale, weather
Governor Blahblabbermouth
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Costello on TARP
Washinton - Congressman Jerry Costello (D-IL) today voted against releasing the remaining $350 billion from the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). Costello also opposed the original financial bailout legislation that created TARP.
"I voted against the financial bailout because I was concerned that we rushed its consideration without adequately assessing how the money would be used or if there were better ways to proceed. The fact that Secretary Paulson did not use the money as he said it would be used validated my concerns. Now, the very banks that received the bulk of the TARP money are still mired in losses, with billions in bad loans still on their books, and refusing to account for how they have spent it. Given TARP’s poor record to this point, we need to reassess this plan of action, and that is why I voted against releasing the remaining funds.”
You are invited to sign up for future electronic newsletters. Please feel free to forward this message to friends and neighbors you think might be interested in this issue.
Jerry F. Costello
12th District of Illinois
Labels: economy, Jerry Costello
School Closing List
Update: Gotta love SIUC's optimism. 5:30 and they still haven't announced if the school is closing.
Update: 8 p.m and still no word on the website about Wednesday.
Arbor District Meeting
Labels: Arbor District, crime
Blagojevich Impeachment Proceedings
Update: Back to classical music while the Senate's at lunch. Testimony resumes when then get back.
Labels: Governor Blago, WSIU
Carbondale Proves Marion Doesn't Know S***
"As it turns out," Cole said, "there is no center to the universe. My advisers tell me that the Universe we inhabit is homogeneously expanding from all points, rather than radiating from a single center."
Cole acknowledged the futility of explaining this principle, which seems to go against common perceptions, to Marion Mayor Bob Butler.
"You have to remember that this man grew up in an age when the moon was still worshipped as a silver llama whose tears made the land fertile," Cole snorted. "How can I explain the curvature of the Universe to someone clearly using a two-dimensional Hub Model for his cosmological system? It's a fool's errand."
City Councilman Chris Wissmann said Carbondale's up-to-date understanding of cosmological principles would be great for boosting tourism.
"If there's no center, then Carbondale is just as good as anywhere else," he stated. "I hear The Met has a new Babylonian exhibit coming to New York City. That should be great for us. We're hoping to see some of those tourist dollars here in Southern Illinois."
But Marion city officials aren't planning to give up without a fight. Butler said Cole's protest was pure bunk.
"Look at that llama in the sky," Butler shouted as he pointed at the moon. "Whenever I ride in the car, it follows right along with me. If that's not proof, I don't know what is."
(This blog entry was written as part of the 5th Annual Rabbit Hole Day, a blog-holiday in honor of Lewis Carrol. Bloggers are encouraged to write in a different style, or in a fantastical manner, stepping outside our reality for the duration of the day. For more information, see the original post at Scribbles and Lies. Thanks also to Phil Plait, NASA's "Space Place," and Usenet Physics mod Philip Gibbs.
SIUC Closed
Monday, January 26, 2009
School Closings
Update: SIUC announced it was closing sometime between 10 p.m and 6 a.m.
Labels: schools, siuc, weather
Larry Dietz on NPR
Labels: Iraq, Larry Dietz, siuc, students
Sunday, January 25, 2009
College Town Statistics
Labels: Carbondale, college, poverty
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Put up or shutup!
Now is your chance to play Jerry Lee Lewis to my Chuck Berry, and burn up the stage with your amazing knowledge of music, and effortless DJ skills!
I welcome you to try making me look like a complete hack; all you have to do is arrange for a little tryout with the station manager... I understand if you want to back out, so I made up some excuses you can use:
1) I'm sleeping in the Morris Library stacks at that time, and will be locked in.
2) Sorry, that's when the best infomercials are on.
3) My mom won't let me go out after the street lights come on.
4) I'll be raiding Valdemort with my WOW guild, while dressed as a dominatrix Ewok.
(But seriously, WDBX is open to ALL Southern Illinois residents and community members. If you're interested-- even a little-- come on in and talk to Brian!)
SIUC Enrollment Down Again
Enrollment peaked in 1991 at 24,869 students, according to university records. By fall 2007, that number had fallen to 20,983. Enrollment numbers affect everything from faculty and staff salaries to building maintenance.
Labels: enrollment, siuc
Friday, January 23, 2009
Books are good
Labels: education, literacy, United States
Carbondale Poverty 2
Labels: Carbondale, Economics, poverty, siuc
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