Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Cool Carbondale Meeting with Mayor Cole
Carbondale as a Cool City: Conversation with Mayor Brad Cole on local efforts toward reducing global warming pollution
Carbondale area residents are invited to participate in an open conversation with Mayor Brad Cole on Carbondale as a “Cool City” at the Unitarian Fellowship at 7:00 pm on Thursday February 7. The meeting is sponsored by the Carbondale Unitarian Fellowship. The Fellowship is located at the corner of Sunset and Parrish, just south of Parrish Elementary School.
To date, 755 mayors throughout the country, including Mayor
Cole, and 25 counties, have signed the Mayor’s Climate Protection Agreement (MCPA). This agreement provides a framework for cities to implement the most cost effective and energy efficient actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in their local government operations and throughout their communities. The "Cool Cities" program has been described as providing solutions to global warming, one city at a time.
Under the MCPA, each city develops a local action plan based on an inventory of energy use and waste data, and adopts an emissions reduction target. Implementing the recommendations may include improvements in energy efficiency in transportation (“green fleets”), buildings and water treatment, office machines, city lighting, renewable power, and waste management. Monitoring the results is an ongoing process that provides feedback for improvement over time.
To learn more about the status of this program within our city government, please plan to attend this meeting. Refreshments will be served. Everyone is welcome.
Labels: city government, Climate
What a bargain!
Compare that to the failed Jeff Doherty who retires collecting 6 figures.
Thats the legacy that Cole is trying to unwind with vigorous leadership.
We've had failed city government in this town for eons. Until Cole.
Amazing how one man can make such a difference.
And if you consider "visionary" criticizing your opponent for "playing with taxes" and then turning around and raising taxes for a state institution less than a month later, then I agree...he is truly a visionary.
(Who knew Brad would start reading the blogs himself. Must have stopped hanging out with the undergrads at Pinch.)
That said, the only way your "middling" perspective will get heard is if you post it. What's the worst thing that can happen? Someone disagrees and calls you a poopie head? Eh...you can live through that. Keep posting.
You must stick together to fight the irrational hatred that is abroad! Keep posting your ideas that lie at the point of the Unitarian Forum. Let's not "like" Brad "one iota". He's on the boys side.
Only you can make a difference.
Sure he gets things done...for some people. Most of the things he does for the community are at best symbolic gestures that do little to significantly improve the long term economic health of Carbondale.
That said, I'm not sure why you think she and I agree on much of anything. Because she called herself liberalchick? That'd be like me assuming you're black because you call yourself homie. Maybe you are, maybe you don't...but why should I assume its true?
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