Wednesday, January 14, 2009

City Council Meeting

Sat in on most of last night's City Council meeting. Missed the Liquor Control Commission meeting but was told by city council candidate Kevin Clark that Fair Days designations for the Southern Illinois Irish Festival and an A2 liquor license for Spotlight Bar and Grille passed.

Several community members spoke about concerns regarding the proposed annexation of the property on East Park Street, which includes Snider Hill Cemetery. A representative from the Presbyterian Church, which owns part of the property, was particularity concerned since the city and developers had promised a protective buffer from all the development taking place nearby during the past few years. The promised buffer apparently was not provided and now there are problems causing the cemetery to settle and tombstones to fall over.

The consent agenda, items normally passed as a group, had 4 items voted on separately when Councilmen Lance Jack and Steven Haynes had questions about the Snider Hill annexation and utility easements at Prairie Living subdivision, respectively. Councilman Joel Fritzler had questions about two items including payment for some of the mayor's travel expenses (Shades of the last race for mayor.) Mayor Cole appeared mildly irritated when responding to Fritzler's questions, while Fritzler sounded rather hesitant when posing them.

The council moved through general business pretty quickly. The resolution declaring Fair Days for the Southern Illinois Irish Festival passed with only Corene McDaniel voting no because alcohol would be served. I assume this means she'll also vote no when the Sunset Concerts and Main Street Pig Out come up for a similar vote.

The Stadium Grille going in on East Main got approved for a TIF agreement, which will save them about $500,000, according to my notes. In response to a question from the council, the owners said they were indeed using local union contractors and expect to open mid-April. I'd lay money it opens before Lance Jack gets his Fat Patties' place open.

Finally, during council comments, another city council candidate made an appearance as Justin Stofferahn, (yeah, he's on Facebook too) who, along with three companions, all attired in dress shirts and ties, had sat in the back during the entire meeting. I'd thought they were members of a fraternity come to ask the city for funding for some event, but Stofferahn asked the council if the city would implement the findings of the energy audit it was undertaking and if the lobbying group the city hired had produced results worth its fee.

At 8:50, the council retired to closed meeting to discuss sale, purchase or lease of real property and pending or imminent litigation as well as the planned conquest by force of Marion, the Hub of the Universe.

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Corene will vote in favor of the Pig Out because it is not held on Park District property.
She opposes alcohol in public parks.
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