Saturday, November 1, 2008

Quiet Halloween

Halloween was extremely quiet this year. Despite the Trick or Treat on Main Street that I had seen mentioned in the paper, I had zero trick or treaters come to the store. Looking at the CMS' website, I see no such event listed, as the schedule jumps from the Chili Cook off to Lights Fantastic, so guess the metnion I saw of it was wrong.

I heard from people who came for the store's party that they number of trick or treaters visiting them was markedly down from last year. However, as I drove through town earlier in the evening, I noticed a number of churches set up for "trunk or treat" so we may be seeing a shift of behavior from gathering candy by visiting strangers houses and gathering candy that may have been tampered with to gathering candy in a more controlled and structured environment. Also much less chance of getting hit by a car as the kids run from house to house.


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