Saturday, September 20, 2008

Rained Out Pig Out

The C'dale Pig Out got off to a wet start yesterday. Josh Plemon and the Lonesome Drifters played their set with not problems and the various tents and BBQ booths looked packed, thought I didn't see many people down dancing while they were playing. Then really nasty storm clouds, which were supposed to head to the south of us, rolled in right over the 710 Boosterstore parking lot about 7:45 and a steady rain started coming down, accompanied by intermittent thunder and lightning.

People stuck it out for awhile, hoping the rain would slack off. I had several of Dennis Stroughmatt & Creole Stomp's fans asking if the band was going to play. All I oculd tell them was the band would still play if the rain quit. However, it kept up until 9:15 or so, and, as the weather reports (the same ones that gave only a 30% chance of rain for the evening) said to expect the rain to continue until about 2 a.m., Main Street decided to call it a night. When I left, John John's BBQ stand was the only vendor open still hoping for a few last customers and there were a few diehards in the beer tent. According to my rain gauge, we got about an inch and a half last night and it looks like it's sprinkling out again, not boding well for today's events. Hopefully, today's weather will be better, thoguth it's sprinkling out slightly as I type this.


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