Monday, August 11, 2008

Naming Rights

I've been looking over the agreement between the city and SIUC regarding the $20 million donation for Saluki Way. There's a separate agreement with more detail regarding terms, conditions and time frames, but the general agreement between the city and SIUC gives naming and advertising rights for the renovated Arena to the City. I'll have to see if I can get ahold of the more detailed agreement but in the meantime, any suggested names for the City Council to consider? Me, I like Binky. Binky Arena has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

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Oh my GOD!
This must mean that it will be named the "Brad Cole Arena of Evil!!!"

You know what's funny? Before you can name it, you need to build it.

So before all the conspriacy freaks start making their freaky, stupid theories, consider that your the future wouldn't hold a new arena for you to be so paranoid about unless someone had actually created and carried through with a plan to start funding it.

Oh one more thought that will totally set you sideways: Don't you think that the city/university could still sell/give the naming rights to an equally large donar?

Oh my GOD that would be like $40 million dollars! That would be terrible.

Oh but that's right, we don't need new arena. The crappy circa-1970 arena is just fine. Matches our crappy circa-1970 logic.
Put the bottle down anon. You've entirely missed the point that critics of the stadium have made.

Point 1 -- is a stadium the priority on campus? Sure, the stadium sucks. Been in the Ag building lately? Faner Hall? Woody? You might have heard of those as student support and classroom buildings.

Point 2 -- can the city afford the donation? Ignoring the issue of whether there are better things to fund, sales tax income is hard to predict. If we're actually locked in to a $1 million/year donation (something the council refused to even say before approving the donation) and our sales tax income goes down, that means city services will be cut. Me? I think the city ought to take care of its business first, meaning rental inspections, street maintenance, etc.

And, you'll note that the General Fund -- the key to our city government's financial solvency -- is shrinking even as our income had been going up for years. That's not good. And the city's income is not going to be going up for a while with businesses closing and the economy in the dumps.

But hey, you may get to watch football in a slightly better stadium.
Someone ought to inform Athletic Director Moccia of this clause in the agreement, as he stated on more than one occasion that naming rights were still up for sale at the time the city and the University agreed to the donation.

Sad to think that the AD doesn't even know what the University agreed to. Or maybe he did.
And in today's DE, Moccia continues to say that the naming rights are still up for sale.
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