Friday, June 6, 2008

Cole vs. Suarez

As was pointed out in comments, Mayor Cole and interim director Suarez are candidates for the position of Alumni Director at SIU. Comments on the SI article indicate most readers believe Mayor Cole is poised to get the position.

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But...he's a full time mayor. Isn't that what he promised?

If he gets the job, that's at least two complete and outright lies/misleading statements that were the pillar of his campaign:

1. He's the anti-tax candidate.
2. He's the full time candidate.

Still, no one will hold him accountable for his always.
Looks like Cole is being paid back by SIU/Poshard for Cole's support of the sales tax increase. I would certainly hope that Cole, if he gets the job, will resign as mayor. This would certainly be a defacto conflict of interest (not illegal mind you, but a conflict of interest nonetheless.)
Doesn't Sheila work for SIU? She has her job, because of her father. Where were you idiots during the last election?

Where else is there to work in Carbondale, if you want a job that pays more than $10 per hour? Did anyone really thing that Brad wasn't going to get a job eventually? I assume he will be back in the Republican administration, once the current Demo is sent to prison too.

Maybe this is the problem with politics? Little dogs nipping at your heals. Kind of like riding your bicycle on rural roads. Ruins the fun of doing a good job.
I am a little late getting in on this one...
I may with draw my life time membership to the Alumni Association if Cole gets the job.
1. Suarez is better qualified
2. Suarez is likeable and has not really ticked off countless numbers of people. It is essential to be likeable on a personal level to do Alumni work.
3. Cole's brand of politic's needs to stay away from the Alumni Association.
I have called Ricky McCurry and given my full support for Michelle Suarez and everyone else should as well.
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