Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tina's Hallmark Closing

Caught this article in Sunday's Southern. After 20 years, Tina's Hallmark will close at the end of the month. I was bemused by Kevin Baity's comment towards the end:

"In the course of business, there always will be those that come and go," he said. "The west side is a very stable area."

Let's see, in the space of a year, you've lost two businesses that have been on the west side for over 20 years, and Aldi's is making noises about moving to a new location as well. The only businesses that have moved in during the past year are a coffee shop in Murdale and the First Southern branch, as well as a Mexican restaurant, grocery and tattoo shop in the strip mall behind Murdale. The only other businesses that I can think of that have moved to the area during the past 10 years or so are the used car dealers on the north side of Main and the Dollar General Store that relocated from its old spot in Eastgate Shopping Center. Stable maybe, thriving, no.

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Well, since the corporate business district has been established on the east side, that's pretty much where people go these days. Though I'm not a fan of local businesses being lost to corporate giants, maybe the new Walmart will regenerate some of the traffic on the west side of town?
Rather like the smoking ban, it will take time to see the effect of Wal-mart. It doesn't look like the opening of Wal-Mart had any effect on her business since, according to the article, Bruce had seen a 28% decline since last October and that's during what should be her busiest season of the year.
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