Tuesday, February 26, 2008

King steet?

What do you think of renaming Mill Street to Martin Luther King Jr. Street? Allison Petty reports on this possibility in the DE.

Was going to post on the same article but ya beat me to it. I really liked this quote from Kouri Marshall:

"If Mayor Cole or anyone else in the city believes that a mill had more significance than the work that Martin and Coretta did for the nation, then I don't understand why they should even be in leadership,"

Using this logic, should the group propose changing the name of Shryock Auditorium to King Auditorium, since, after all, who is more significant , Henry Shryock or MLK, and President Poshard or Chancellor Trevino oppose it, well then, they should just step down because neither should be in leadership. Sheesh.
Better to name a new street rather than change an old established street. The cost of this change in both real money, aggravation and confusion is enormous! I've personally had not end of trouble with an address change because of being assigned a 911 address.
sthorne, I agree completely. I'd love to see your post in an upcoming "Letters to the Editor" in the DE or The Southern. I think that would definitely put it into perspective for people.

Perhaps a new small park area or short street should be named after MLK. Plus, it seems way more commemorative if something is named that from the beginning of it's existence.
If we want to honor civil rights accomplishments, surely there is some local person who contributed to civil rights actions in Carbondale. Perhaps that would be a more appropriate route to go.
They should call North Washington Street Black Panther Ave. to commemorate the police standoff with them in the 70s
Turley Park is already named after an early civil rights advocate in Carbondale. I remember a brief flap when Larry Dixon proposed changing its name several years ago to honor a young shooting victim.

That's not to say naming something after King isn't a bad idea, but it's not something you're going to get appproved by April 4.
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